Foundation (16 cards)
- 1x ArcanosorcererX
Arcanosorcerer CDCA ScientistThe first time this card unturns in a turn, you may target a Character :: Inflict 1 non-combat damage on target.
Flavor:The remnants of the CDCA are well hidden deep in the Netherworld.
Fighting Fighting:2Cost Cost:2Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Foundation - 3x Buddhist BellringerX
Buddhist Bellringer Zazen StudentCharacters you control at this location gain Toughness: 1 except when attacking.
Flavor:Their warning is the first line of defense.
Fighting Fighting:2Cost Cost:2Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Foundation - 1x CassandraX
Cassandra Netherworld SeerUnique. Turn to look at the top 5 cards of your deck. You may put as many of these cards as you wish on the bottom of your deck in any order, and return the rest to the top of your deck in any order.
Fighting Fighting:2Cost Cost:2Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique - 5x FacilitatorX
Facilitator Netherworld MediatorYour hand size is increased by 1. Once per turn, you may choose a resource you have in your pool :: Play a card ignoring one of the chosen resource conditions. You may generate this effect while this card is in your smoked pile.
Fighting Fighting:2Cost Cost:2Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Foundation - 1x Mr. SimmsX
Mr. Simms Hood LieutenantUnique. Once per turn, you may redirect damage inflicted by a non-Character source on a card you control to any Character controlled by the player who controlled the source of the damage.
Fighting Fighting:2Cost Cost:2Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique - 2x Nine CutsX
Nine Cuts Shadowy AssassinUnique. Assassinate. When Nine Cuts inflicts combat damage on a Character, smoke that Character.
Flavor:"I don't care about money or if I live or die."
Fighting Fighting:3Cost Cost:3Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique, Assassinate - 1x Shung DaiX
Shung Dai Guardian MonkUnique. Toughness: 1. Cannot be intercepted by Characters with a cost of 3 or less.
Flavor:Condemned by the gods to guard the Boundless Heaven Sword for all eternity.
Fighting Fighting:5Cost Cost:4Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Foundation, Unique, Toughness - 2x White NinjaX
White Ninja AssassinUnique. Ambush. Stealth. The rules text of any Character or Site targeted by White Ninja in an attack is canceled until the end of the turn.
Fighting Fighting:7Cost Cost:6Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique, Ambush, Stealth
Character (2 cards)
- 2x Noriko WatsonX
Noriko Watson Razor GirlUnique. Ambush. +2 damage to Sites. While intercepting, this card inflicts its combat damage at the same time an attacker with Ambush would.
Flavor:It's a hard life on the streets. It's harder above them.
Fighting Fighting:4Cost Requires:Cost:4Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique, Ambush
Event (13 cards)
- 5x Solar FlareX
Solar Flare EventIf you have
you may inflict 4 damage on target Character. If you have
you may heal 4 damage from target card. If you have
you may reveal and/or turn up to 4 target Sites.
Cost Cost:1Artist Set Rarity Designators - 1x "We Can Rebuild Him"X
"We Can Rebuild Him" EventPlay during your Main Shot. Choose a Character in any smoked pile :: Return that Character to play under your control, and it gains the designator Cyborg.
Flavor:Bigger, stronger, faster. Punchier.
Cost Requires:Cost:2Artist Set Rarity Designators - 2x Ejector Seat MalfunctionX
Ejector Seat Malfunction Hacker EventLimited. Target an attacking Character :: Smoke target, then return it to play under its owner’s control.
Flavor:"What does this button do?"
Cost Requires:Cost:0Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:LimitedErrata May 2016 - 5x On the WireX
On the Wire EventPlay at the start of your turn. Generate 2 Power if an opponent has more Power than you. Other Events you play during this Establishing Shot generate no Power.
Flavor:End of line.
Cost Requires:Cost:0Artist Set Rarity Designators Errata July 2020
State (7 cards)
- 3x Elephant GunX
Elephant Gun StateWeapon. Subject Character inflicts +5 damage.
Flavor:Even Katie was impressed.
Cost Cost:2Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Weapon - 4x Fortune of the TurtleX
Fortune of the Turtle StateSchtick. Play on a Character. Subject gains Immunity to opponents' Events.
Flavor:The turtle symbolizes protection, caution, and forethought.
Cost Requires:Cost:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Schtick
Feng Shui Site (10 cards)
- 4x Beached SupertankerX
Beached Supertanker Feng Shui Site-X Body. At the start of your turn, put a counter on this card. X = the number of these counters on this card. When this Site is seized, remove all of these counters on this card.
Flavor:Not all solutions need to be permanent.
Body Body:16Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators - 1x Fox PassX
Fox Pass Feng Shui SiteUnique. Turn to change one attacker's target to any Character or front-row Site you control.
Flavor:Be as the fox, who leads the hounds astray.
Body Body:5Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique - 2x Proving GroundX
Proving Ground Feng Shui SiteWhen Proving Ground is revealed, immediately turn it for no effect. If Proving Ground is face-up, turn :: Play a Character at -2 cost.
Body Body:6Power Power:0Artist Set Rarity Designators Errata January 2001 - 3x Underground DepotX
Underground Depot Feng Shui SiteTurn during your main shot :: Play a Vehicle or Weapon State on a card at this location at -1 cost.
Flavor:Warehouses don't usually have such great Feng Shui.
Body Body:7Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Errata February 2025
Site (3 cards)
- 3x IKTV Radio OutpostX
IKTV Radio Outpost Netherworld SiteTurn and flip a coin :: Heads: gain 1 power.
Flavor:Keep fighting that good fight. We'll be waging it with you every day on the airwaves.
Body Body:6Power Power:1Cost Cost:2Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Foundation
This deck shoots for the long game and can close with White Ninja and Noriko Watson. Facilitators improve the value of Solar Flares. When reloading cards, the order of priority seems to be: 1) Fortune of the Turtle, 2) Solar Flare, and 3) Elephant Gun.
This deck won the 2024 Lantern Festival online tournament.
* It's not really completely factionless. It has Buddhist Bellringers and an Arcanosorcer to pad the fact that you can only have 5 Facilitators which act as talent providing pseudo-foundation characters.