Foundation (10 cards)
- 5x Buddhist MonkX
Buddhist Monk Martial Artist+X Fighting. X= the number of Power-generating Sites you control minus two. X cannot be less than 0.
Fighting Fighting:2Cost Cost:2Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Foundation - 5x Hong Kong's FinestX
Hong Kong's Finest Honest CopsWhile you have at least
in your pool, this card gains +1 Fighting for each column in your Site structure that contains a Power-generating Site.
Fighting Fighting:2Cost Cost:2Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Foundation
Event (18 cards)
- 1x The Golden SpikeX
The Golden Spike Railroad EventOne-Shot. Play if you have at least three columns in your Site structure. You may immediately play a card from your smoked pile at no cost, regardless of type.
Flavor:When it was hammered in, it created the world's longest feng shui site.
Cost Cost:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:One-Shot - 1x Yippee-Yi-Yo-Kiii-YAAAH!X
Yippee-Yi-Yo-Kiii-YAAAH! EventOne-Shot. You must have at least two resources each from two different factions in your pool to play this card. Gain X Power, where X= the number of columns in your Site structure.
Cost Cost:0Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:One-Shot - 5x Back for SecondsX
Back for Seconds EventUnturn target character.
Flavor:Okay, pal, this time the gloves are off!
Cost Requires:Cost:1Artist Set Rarity Designators - 3x Fortune Favors the BoldX
Fortune Favors the Bold EventPlay in response to an opponent's Event that targets a Character you control :: Unturn target and it is not affected by the Event.
Flavor:"They've got a 20-strong army of mooks with assault rifles. I've got this pistol with one clip. I can miss up to two shots and be good."
Cost Requires:Cost:0Artist Set Rarity Designators - 1x Heroic BloodshedX
Heroic Bloodshed EventLimited. Crisis:
0. Target a Character :: Unturn target and it gains +2 Fighting and Independent until the end of the turn.
Flavor:"The world is changing. Men like us are too nostalgic to last."
Cost Requires:Cost:2Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:CrisisErrata March 2023Comments - 2x Journey's RewardX
Journey's Reward EventPlay in response to an Event :: Cancel that Event and that Event's controller gains 1 Power.
Flavor:"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, but sometimes you end up at an unexpected destination."
Cost Requires:Cost:0Artist Set Rarity Designators - 5x Tai Chi AscensionX
Tai Chi Ascension EventLimited. Fill your hand to your maximum hand size. You cannot discard until the end of the turn after this one.
Flavor:"To be Dragon, you must be strong, yet humble."
Cost Requires:Cost:0Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Limited
State (13 cards)
- 1x BullwhipX
Bullwhip StateLimited. Weapon. Subject Character gains +1 damage while this is unturned. Turn to turn a Character at subject's location; that Character ceases intercepting.
Flavor:There was a loud crack, and the dagger went flying from Xitllali's hand.
Cost Requires:Cost:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Limited, Weapon - 1x Charmed LifeX
Charmed Life StatePlay on any character. Subject character is immune to any effects that smoke characters or cards. Character can still be smoked due to damage.
Cost Requires:Cost:1Artist Set Rarity Designators - 5x InterceptorX
Interceptor StateVehicle. Subject gains +2 combat damage, Independent, and Mobility. When subject smokes an attacking Character, gain 1 Power.
Flavor:"Its just me, the car, and the Wasteland."
Cost Requires:Cost:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Vehicle - 1x Three Days to RetirementX
Three Days to Retirement Cop StateLimited. Schtick. All effects that could legally target subject Character must target it if they target any Character you control.
Flavor:Just this last case, and I'm done.
Cost Requires:Cost:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Limited, Schtick - 5x Up Before BreakfastX
Up Before Breakfast Sunshine StatePlay on a Character. Subject gains +1 Fighting. Turn this card :: Unturn subject.
Flavor:"First up; last standing."
Cost Requires:Cost:2Artist Set Rarity Designators
Feng Shui Site (8 cards)
- 4x Abandoned Old ShopX
Abandoned Old Shop Feng Shui SiteImmediately place a counter on this card when it is revealed. Remove a counter and target a non-Site card you own :: Return target to its owner's hand.
Body Body:10Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators - 1x DockyardX
Dockyard Feng Shui SiteWhen this card is revealed :: You may search your deck for a non-Unique Foundation Character, show it to your opponents and add it to your hand.
Flavor:Where even enemies can trade goods and services.
Body Body:6Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators - 1x Hot SpringsX
Hot Springs Feng Shui SiteTurn and maintain and target a Character :: Target takes no damage from Sites, and is not affected by effects generated by other Sites.
Body Body:6Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators - 1x Temple of Celestial MercyX
Temple of Celestial Mercy Feng Shui SiteUnique. Your hand size is increased by 2.
Flavor:Once a sanctuary; now a prize in the secret war.
Body Body:7Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique - 1x Whirlpool of BloodX
Whirlpool of Blood Netherworld Feng Shui SiteTurn to cancel an effect generated by the turning of a feng shui site.
Flavor:When the pirates pushed us in, we found out it wasn't real blood. But by that point being grossed out was the least of our worries.
Body Body:5Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators
Site (2 cards)
- 1x Grease ShackX
Grease Shack SiteTurn and target a Character :: Until the end of the turn, target gains Guts, or Toughness: 1 if target already has Guts.
Flavor:"Now she'll make you think you can fly."
Body Body:6Power Power:1Cost Cost:2Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Foundation - 1x Kar Fai's CribX
Kar Fai's Crib SiteUnique. You may play
States at -1 cost. Turn :: Play a Character, ignoring one resource condition.
Body Body:7Power Power:1Cost Requires:Cost:2Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:UniqueErrata June 2002
Increased resource cost on Crisis to slow down the rush.