Foundation (12 cards)
- 5x Netherworld TricksterX
Netherworld Trickster Redeemed ThiefCannot attack Characters. When this card is smoked by an opponent, you may steal 1 Power from that player.
Fighting Fighting:1Cost Cost:1Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Foundation - 5x Redeemed GunmanX
Redeemed Gunman Reforming HoodCannot intercept. When Redeemed Gunman turns to attack a turned Site, he gains +2 Fighting until the end of the turn.
Fighting Fighting:1Cost Cost:1Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Foundation - 2x Symphonic DisciplesX
Symphonic Disciples Insane OrchestraWhen this card is smoked by an opponent, you may smoke target Edge.
Flavor:They once spent seven and a half hours tuning up.
Fighting Fighting:1Cost Cost:1Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Foundation
Character (12 cards)
- 1x Alexandre ChenX
Alexandre Chen Redeemed Monster HunterFighting Fighting:5Cost Requires:Cost:3Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique, Independent - 2x Ghost WindX
Ghost Wind Master of the Liquid SwordUnique. When you smoke an opponent's Character and Ghost Wind is not smoked at the same time, gain 1 Power. You cannot gain more than 2 Power per turn this way. May be played at no cost if an opponent controls 5 or more Characters.
Fighting Fighting:6Cost Requires:Cost:4Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique - 2x Jade WillowX
Jade Willow Master of Unyielding Dragon Kung FuUnique. Guts. Superleap while damaged. When a Site you control is burned, you may either Reload this card or play it from your hand at no cost.
Fighting Fighting:8Cost Requires:Cost:5Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique, GutsComments - 1x Johnny BadhairX
Johnny Badhair Wild ManUnique. Guts. Cannot be sacrificed. At the end of a turn in which this card was smoked, cut your deck, draw a card, and show it to your opponents. If the card is a State or a Character with a resource condition, return this card to play.
Fighting Fighting:7Cost Requires:Cost:5Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique, Guts - 4x Julienne WongX
Julienne Wong Political MastermindUnique. Toughness: 1 for each different faction resource in your pool.
Flavor:Life was supposed to be easier when the good guys ran the world.
Fighting Fighting:6Cost Requires:Cost:4Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique, Toughness - 1x Shang BojingX
Shang Bojing Rebel LeaderUnique. Guts. You may substitute
for each resource condition of this card.
Flavor:I will fight beside anyone who opposes this evil empire.
Fighting Fighting:7Cost Requires:Cost:4Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique, Guts - 1x Wu Ming YiX
Wu Ming Yi Repentant DemonUnique. Regenerate. When Wu Ming Yi smokes a Character in combat, it gains +1 Fighting until it leaves play.
Flavor:Yeah he eats people, but they're the bad guys.
Fighting Fighting:6Cost Requires:Cost:4Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique, Regenerate
Event (15 cards)
- 5x Kunlun Clan AssaultX
Kunlun Clan Assault EventInflict 3 damage, divided any way you choose, on target Characters and/or Sites.
Flavor:The Kunlun were legendary for their prowess in battle.
Cost Cost:2Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Foundation - 3x Dirk Wisely's GambitX
Dirk Wisely's Gambit EventLimited. Play when you declare an attack with only one attacker against a target controlled by an opponent who controls at least four cards. When your attacker inflicts combat damage on its target during this attack, gain 2 Power.
Cost Requires:Cost:0Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Limited - 2x Equal Opportunity Butt-KickingX
Equal Opportunity Butt-Kicking EventLimited. Inflict four damage on all Characters.
Flavor:Let's do this!
Cost Requires:Cost:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Limited - 5x Final BrawlX
Final Brawl EventInflict 2 damage on all Characters.
Flavor:Hamlet, Oedipus, Dirty Harry - the classic stories always end in blood.
Cost Requires:Cost:0Artist Set Rarity Designators
Feng Shui Site (11 cards)
- 1x Gambling HouseX
Gambling House Feng Shui SiteLimited. If any opponent controls at least two cards that share a designator, you may turn this card during your Main Shot to gain 1 Power.
Flavor:Dice, cards, tiles, whatever - if it's played for money, you can find it here.
Body Body:6Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Limited - 3x Granite MountainX
Granite Mountain Feng Shui SiteTurn and maintain and target a location :: Characters at target cannot be prevented from intercepting.
Flavor:The perfect place to prepare a counter-counter-counter-attack.
Body Body:8Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators - 2x Maze of StairsX
Maze of Stairs Netherworld Feng Shui SiteTakes no combat damage when only one Character enters combat with it.
Flavor:Was that left, down, left, right, up or left, down, right, left, up...? DAMN!!!
Body Body:5Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators - 1x Po Toi IslandsX
Po Toi Islands Feng Shui SiteTurn :: Place one card from your hand on the bottom of your deck. Turn when an opponent's effect would cause you to discard or toast cards from your hand, deck or smoked pile :: Cancel the effect and you may draw an equal number of cards instead.
Body Body:8Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators - 2x Precious Lotus MonasteryX
Precious Lotus Monastery Feng Shui SiteUnique. If you have at least three resources from the same faction in your resource pool, turn and maintain and target a Character :: Target gains +1 Fighting, or +2 Fighting if it is Unique.
Flavor:With monastic study, comes strength.
Body Body:8Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique - 1x Sulphurous CenoteX
Sulphurous Cenote Netherworld Feng Shui SiteTurn and maintain and target a back-row Site :: Cancel target.
Flavor:This passage to the Underworld burns with such intensity only those not living can traverse it.
Body Body:7Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators - 1x Walled EnclaveX
Walled Enclave Feng Shui SiteLimited. Turn when an opponent plays a card with a printed cost of 0 :: Gain 1 Power.
Flavor:The Ascended have cut themselves off and closely guard what remains of their wealth.
Body Body:7Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Limited
Site (1 card)
- 1x Sacred WigwamX
Sacred Wigwam Thunder SiteTurn to cancel an effect that would return a card to play from any smoked pile.
Flavor:A toehold of power for the Thunder King.
Body Body:5Power Power:1Cost Cost:2Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Foundation
Willow Palecek's 2007 World Championship card. Features Willow's likeness.