Foundation (11 cards)
- 5x Buddhist BellringerX
Buddhist Bellringer Zazen StudentCharacters you control at this location gain Toughness: 1 except when attacking.
Flavor:Their warning is the first line of defense.
Fighting Fighting:2Cost Cost:2Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Foundation - 4x Wasteland GardenerX
Wasteland Gardener Ascetic MonkWhen a player generates or gains Power from an Event they played, all other players gain 1 Power.
Flavor:Like life itself, a garden is always a series of losses set against a few triumphs.
Fighting Fighting:1Cost Cost:1Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Foundation - 2x White Crocus SocietyX
White Crocus Society Community GuardiansIf this card is in your hand and you have
in your resource pool, you may discard this card and target a Character :: Heal target.
Fighting Fighting:2Cost Cost:2Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Foundation
Character (10 cards)
- 1x Harvest of JadeX
Harvest of Jade Righteous EmperorUnique. Immunity to Events. Turn and maintain and target a Character you control :: Target gains +X Fighting. X = the number of faction resources required and provided by target.
Fighting Fighting:1Cost Requires:Cost:2Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique - 1x Li PoX
Li Po The Perfect MasterUnique. All
Characters you control gain Superleap.
Flavor:Quan Lo's successor was a bringer of good will, harmony and peace.
Fighting Fighting:9Cost Requires:Cost:6Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:UniqueComments - 1x One-Eye ChanX
One-Eye Chan Chinatown ElderUnique. Select State, Edge, Event, or Character when this card enters play. Once during your Main Shot, you may play one card of that type from an opponent's smoked pile at regular cost, ignoring resource conditions. Events played in this manner are Toast It.
Fighting Fighting:4Cost Requires:Cost:3Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique - 1x Quan LoX
Quan Lo The Perfect MasterUnique. All
Characters you control gain Superleap.
Flavor:His Six Principles of Light form the cornerstone of the Guiding Hand.
Fighting Fighting:6Cost Requires:Cost:6Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique - 1x Shih Ho KuaiX
Shih Ho Kuai Martial Arts MasterUnique. X = the number of
resources in your pool.
Fighting Fighting:XCost Requires:Cost:3Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique - 1x Sun ChenX
Sun Chen Legendary ArcherUnique. Superleap. You cannot play States on Sun Chen.
Flavor:He fell because he could not bring himself to remain an observer.
Fighting Fighting:8Cost Requires:Cost:5Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique, Superleap - 1x The Iron MonkeyX
The Iron Monkey Masked HeroUnique. Superleap. When The Iron Monkey inflicts combat damage on the target of his attack, steal half of his target's controller's Power (round down) and give that Power to any player you choose.
Fighting Fighting:5Cost Requires:Cost:4Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique, Superleap - 1x The Red TurtleX
The Red Turtle Kung Fu ProtectorUnique. Superleap. Toughness: 2. Once per turn, when you declare one or more interceptors, gain 1 Power.
Fighting Fighting:5Cost Requires:Cost:4Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique, Superleap, Toughness - 1x Xiang WuX
Xiang Wu Violet MasterUnique. Once per turn, you may target a Character :: Copy the rules text from target to this card until the end of the turn. Once per turn, you may target a Character at this location and pay 1 Power :: Cancel target until the end of the turn.
Fighting Fighting:6Cost Requires:Cost:4Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique - 1x Yung ChangX
Yung Chang Master of the GardenersUnique. Choose a Site you control when Yung Chang enters play. That Site generates an additional Power until you lose control of it. Pay 1 Power to heal a Site.
Fighting Fighting:8Cost Requires:Cost:5Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique
Edge (2 cards)
- 2x Chinese ConnectionX
Chinese Connection EdgeOnce per turn you may give an opponent 1 Power to heal target card.
Flavor:Chinatown is all about who you know.
Cost Requires:Cost:0Artist Set Rarity Designators
Event (10 cards)
- 2x Blood of the ValiantX
Blood of the Valiant EventPlay during an attack and target an attacking Character :: Until the end of the attack, all combat damage inflicted on target from interceptors is reduced to 0.
Flavor:"The road to victory is slick with the blood of the valiant."
Cost Requires:Cost:1Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators - 1x Heat of BattleX
Heat of Battle EventPlay during an attack on a card you control by an opponent who controls more Power-generating Sites than you. Target an attacking Character :: Gain Power equal to the printed cost of target. You can only play one "Heat of Battle" each attack.
Cost Requires:Cost:0Artist Set Rarity Designators - 1x Iron and SilkX
Iron and Silk EventChoose any Character :: Until the end of the turn, all combat damage inflicted on that Character while it is intercepting is reduced to 0.
Flavor:Embrace the yin principle, and receive your opponents' blows like gifts of honey.
Cost Requires:Cost:0Artist Set Rarity Designators Errata January 2013 - 3x Journey's RewardX
Journey's Reward EventPlay in response to an Event :: Cancel that Event and that Event's controller gains 1 Power.
Flavor:"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, but sometimes you end up at an unexpected destination."
Cost Requires:Cost:0Artist Set Rarity Designators - 1x Rigorous DisciplineX
Rigorous Discipline EventTarget a Character :: Copy the printed rules text from any Character to target Character until the end of the turn.
Cost Requires:Cost:0Artist Set Rarity Designators Errata January 2001 - 1x Robust Feng ShuiX
Robust Feng Shui EventTarget a card :: Redirect all damage from a single source inflicted on a Feng Shui Site to target.
Flavor:Quan Lo taught the very earth itself the Principle of Redirection.
Cost Requires:Cost:2Artist Set Rarity Designators Errata February 2014 - 1x Wind on the MountainX
Wind on the Mountain EventToast It. Return X Events from your smoked pile to your hand.
Cost Requires:Cost:XArtist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Toast It
State (5 cards)
- 2x Butterfly SwordsX
Butterfly Swords StateWeapon. Subject Character gains +3 combat damage.
Flavor:Deadly in trained hands.
Cost Requires:Cost:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Weapon - 2x Fortune of the TurtleX
Fortune of the Turtle StateSubject Character is not affected by Events played by an opponent.
Flavor:The turtle symbolizes protection, caution, and forethought.
Cost Requires:Cost:1Artist Set Rarity Designators - 1x The Jade DragonX
The Jade Dragon StateUnique. Schtick. Play on a front-row Site. Subject gains Toughness: 1 and cannot be burned. Generates 2 Power during your Establishing Shot.
Flavor:You want the girl, Mr. Maxwell? We want the Dragon.
Cost Requires:Cost:3Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique, Schtick
Feng Shui Site (10 cards)
- 4x Beached SupertankerX
Beached Supertanker Feng Shui Site-X Body. At the start of your turn, put a counter on this card. X = the number of these counters on this card. When this Site is seized, remove all of these counters on this card.
Flavor:Not all solutions need to be permanent.
Body Body:16Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators - 1x Desolate RidgeX
Desolate Ridge Feng Shui SiteLimited. Turn in response to an Event to inflict 2 damage on target Site or Character controlled by the player who played that Event.
Flavor:The right combination of geography and geomancy can redirect negative chi toward your enemies.
Body Body:6Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Limited - 1x DockyardX
Dockyard Feng Shui SiteWhen this card is revealed, you may search your deck for a non-Unique Foundation Character, reveal it, and add it to your hand.
Flavor:"There's no 'there' there."
Body Body:6Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators - 1x Endless CorridorX
Endless Corridor Netherworld Feng Shui SiteLimited. Turn :: Rearrange a player's Site structure. This cannot move a Site to a position that was not previously occupied. This may change the target of an attack.
Flavor:A copacetic environment for a doomsday cult!
Body Body:6Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Limited - 1x Gambling HouseX
Gambling House Feng Shui SiteLimited. If any opponent controls at least two cards that share a designator, you may turn this card during your Main Shot :: Gain 1 Power.
Flavor:Dice, cards, tiles, whatever - if it's played for money, you can find it here.
Body Body:6Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Limited - 1x Precious Lotus MonasteryX
Precious Lotus Monastery Feng Shui SiteUnique. If you have at least three resources from the same faction in your resource pool, turn and maintain and target a Character :: Target gains +1 Fighting, or +2 Fighting if it is Unique.
Flavor:With monastic study, comes strength.
Body Body:8Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique - 1x Walled EnclaveX
Walled Enclave Feng Shui SiteLimited. Turn when an opponent plays a card with a printed cost of 0 :: Gain 1 Power.
Flavor:The Ascended have cut themselves off and closely guard what remains of their wealth.
Body Body:7Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Limited
Site (2 cards)
- 2x The Inner GardenX
The Inner Garden SiteTurn :: Return a
State you own to your hand. Turn :: Play a
State at -1 cost.
Flavor:Tranquility is a fortress of the mind.
Body Body:7Power Power:1Cost Requires:Cost:2Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators
Features the likeness of the late Braz King, former owner of Inner Kingdom Games & Shadowfist with Daniel Griego.