Foundation (9 cards)
- 5x Brave VillagersX
Brave Villagers Peasant ArchersWhen this card is played from your hand, you may inflict 1 damage on any Character.
Flavor:Armed by the alienated gentry, the peasants rained arrows upon the infernal army.
Fighting Fighting:1Cost Cost:1Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Foundation - 4x Tai Chi StudentX
Tai Chi Student Wu Shu Prodigy+1 combat damage while you control a Character that requires
Flavor:Nowadays, students of the Wu family style come from all walks of life.
Fighting Fighting:1Cost Cost:1Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Foundation
Character (23 cards)
- 1x Angie DaoX
Angie Dao Netherworld ScientistUnique. Immunity to Events. Once per turn when a Character you control is about to enter combat, you may play a Character or State from your hand at -1 cost.
Fighting Fighting:4Cost Requires:Cost:3Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique - 2x Bao ChouX
Bao Chou Avenging GhostUnique. X = the number of characters in your smoked pile. Cannot turn to heal. Heals when a feng shui site you control is seized or burned.
Fighting Fighting:XCost Requires:Cost:4Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique - 5x Bronze SentinelX
Bronze Sentinel Righteous AutomatonDuring your Main Shot, toast a Feng Shui Site you control :: Bronze Sentinel gains +X Fighting until the end of the turn. X= the number of Characters in your smoked pile.
Fighting Fighting:2Cost Requires:Cost:2Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators - 2x Cavalry RegimentX
Cavalry Regiment Horseback HeroesIndependent. When you play this card from your hand, you may choose a Character :: Unturn that Character, and it gains Independent until the end of the turn.
Fighting Fighting:3Cost Requires:Cost:3Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Independent - 3x Chinese DoctorX
Chinese Doctor Wise PhysicianTurn and target a Character :: Heal target.
Flavor:"Lucky they only shot you in the head. Next time they might hit something important."
Fighting Fighting:1Cost Requires:Cost:1Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators - 3x Consumer on the BrinkX
Consumer on the Brink Disgruntled Everyman+1 Fighting for each Unique and Limited Site controlled by opponents.
Fighting Fighting:1Cost Requires:Cost:1Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators - 1x Hiro AsatakaX
Hiro Asataka Ninja HackerUnique. Independent. Turn and maintain and target an opponent's card that has
in its resource conditions and is a Site, Edge, or non-Unique Character :: Take control of that card.
Fighting Fighting:4Cost Requires:Cost:3Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique, Independent - 3x Scrappy KidX
Scrappy Kid Martial Arts ProdigyIndependent. Cannot inflict more than 1 damage. Cannot be intercepted.
Fighting Fighting:1Cost Requires:Cost:1Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Independent - 3x SmugglersX
Smugglers Black-Market OperatorsTurn when a Character you control is smoked :: Gain 1 Power.
Flavor:To live outside the law, you must be honest.
Fighting Fighting:1Cost Requires:Cost:1Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators
Edge (1 card)
- 1x Pony ExpressX
Pony Express EdgeLimited. When an opponent discards a card, you may choose a Character that this card has not chosen this turn :: That Character gains +1 Fighting until it leaves play.
Cost Requires:Cost:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Limited
Event (7 cards)
- 5x "Is That All You Got?"X
"Is That All You Got?" EventChoose a Character in your smoked pile with a printed numerical Fighting of 5 or less :: Return that Character to play.
Flavor:My turn.
Cost Requires:Cost:1Artist Set Rarity Designators - 2x Fortune Favors the BoldX
Fortune Favors the Bold EventPlay in response to an opponent's Event that targets a Character you control :: Unturn target and it is not affected by the Event.
Flavor:"They've got a 20-strong army of mooks with assault rifles. I've got this pistol with one clip. I can miss up to two shots and be good."
Cost Requires:Cost:0Artist Set Rarity Designators
Feng Shui Site (13 cards)
- 4x Balancing StonesX
Balancing Stones Feng Shui SiteReveal this card :: Search your deck for a non-Feng Shui Site, reveal it, put it in your hand, then shuffle your deck.
Flavor:Only a righteous person can maintain the balance between Chaos and Order.
Body Body:8Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Comments - 3x DockyardX
Dockyard Feng Shui SiteWhen this card is revealed :: You may search your deck for a non-Unique Foundation Character, show it to your opponents and add it to your hand.
Flavor:Where even enemies can trade goods and services.
Body Body:6Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators - 1x Maze of Little PassagesX
Maze of Little Passages Feng Shui SiteWhen this card is revealed, swap the front-row and back-row Sites at each location. This may change the target of an attack.
Flavor:Don't let your torch burn out.
Body Body:9Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators - 5x The Hidden GrottoX
The Hidden Grotto Feng Shui SiteUnique. When this card is revealed, you may play a Character at -X cost. X = the number of Feng Shui Sites you control, including this one.
Flavor:Some things weren't meant to be found.
Body Body:4Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique
Site (2 cards)
- 2x Secret HeadquartersX
Secret Headquarters SiteLimited. When Secret Headquarters is smoked, inflict 2 damage on all Sites you control.
Flavor:As far as anyone else knows, it's the technical support department. Funny that no one asks why the techs carry guns...
Body Body:10Power Power:2Cost Cost:3Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Limited
This allows you to search for any Site that is not a Feng Shui Site, not any card that is not a Feng Shui Site.