Foundation (25 cards)
- 5x Assault SquadX
Assault Squad BuroMil SoldiersPlay at no cost when an opponent declares an attack with 2 or more Characters on a card you control. If you do so, this card must intercept the attack.
Fighting Fighting:2Cost Cost:2Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Foundation - 5x BuroMil GruntX
BuroMil Grunt Brutal SoldierUncopyable. You may play BuroMil Grunt during an attack against you. Smoke BuroMil Grunt at the end of the turn he is played.
Flavor:Their military careers are violent and brief.
Fighting Fighting:2Cost Cost:1Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Uncopyable, Foundation - 5x ImpX
Imp Demon MinionFlavor:As Xin Ji Yang consolidated her power, it wouldn't be long before the demons turned against their eunuch oppressors.
Fighting Fighting:1Cost Cost:1Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Foundation - 5x JianX
Jian Demon GhostRegenerate. Play at no cost when an opponent spends 3 or more Power at one time.
Flavor:Its gaze follows the powerful and the proud.
Fighting Fighting:2Cost Cost:2Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Regenerate, Foundation - 5x Stone GargoyleX
Stone Gargoyle Guardian DemonToughness: 1 while not attacking. Cannot turn to change location.
Flavor:Grim of mien. Fixed of purpose.
Fighting Fighting:1Cost Cost:1Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Toughness, Foundation
Character (4 cards)
- 1x Agent TanakaX
Agent Tanaka CDCA NinjaUnique. Ambush. Assassinate.
Flavor:I no longer have the power I once did. That does not mean I am without resources. - Curtis Boatman
Fighting Fighting:4Cost Requires:Cost:3Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique, Ambush, Assassinate - 1x DestroyerX
Destroyer Demon Martial ArtistUnique. Cannot be sacrificed. If Destroyer is in your smoked pile at the start of your turn, return Destroyer to play.
Flavor:There's got to be a better way to keep him down!
Fighting Fighting:4Cost Requires:Cost:4Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique - 1x Jueding ShelunX
Jueding Shelun Ghost SorcererUnique. During your Main Shot you may return to play a single one-cost Character that requires or provides resources.
Flavor:Now you will pay!
Fighting Fighting:6Cost Requires:Cost:4Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique - 1x Tommy Hsu
Edge (4 cards)
- 3x Stand TogetherX
Stand Together EdgeLimited. You must have at least two resources each from two different factions in your pool to play this card. Choose a designator when you play this card. All Characters with that designator gain +1 Fighting.
Cost Cost:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Limited - 1x Infernal FortitudeX
Infernal Fortitude Demon EdgeTurn and maintain and target a Character :: Target gains Regenerate. Sacrifice and target an Edge :: Smoke target.
Flavor:"Your humanity is your greatest weakness."
Cost Requires:Cost:1Artist Set Rarity Designators
Event (13 cards)
- 1x Secret PactX
Secret Pact EventOne-Shot. Play during your Main Shot. You must have at least two resources each from two different factions in your pool to play this card. Draw four cards, gain 2 Power, or return a card from your smoked pile to your hand.
Cost Cost:0Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:One-Shot - 5x Die!!!X
Die!!! EventTurn X
Characters you control to smoke any number of Characters controlled by opponents whose total printed cost is less than X+2. X may be zero.
Flavor:Gao Zhang may not control the Throne directly, but he makes his influence felt where appropriate.
Cost Requires:Cost:0Artist Set Rarity Designators - 5x Inauspicious ReturnX
Inauspicious Return EventLimited. Toast It. Play during any Main Shot. You may play up to three 1-cost non-Unique Characters that provide resources from your smoked pile at no cost. These Characters cannot be sacrificed, and gain the designator Undead.
Flavor:Arise and do the bidding of your rightful master!
Cost Requires:Cost:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Limited, Toast ItErrata February 2014 - 2x Pocket DemonX
Pocket Demon EventPlay at the start of your turn and target an opponent :: Generate X Power. X = the number of Power-generating Sites controlled by the target plus the number of cards in their burned-for-victory pile, minus the number of cards in your burned-for-victory pile. No other card you control or play generates Power during this Establishing Shot.
Cost Requires:Cost:0Artist Set Rarity Designators Errata March 2014
State (1 card)
- 1x The Real DealX
The Real Deal StatePlay on a Character. Subject gains +3 Fighting and is not affected by effects generated by Characters, Sites or Edges. If subject is Unique, Events targeting subject cost an additional Power to play.
Flavor:"I'm kind of a big deal."
Cost Cost:2Artist Set Rarity Designators
Feng Shui Site (12 cards)
- 4x Arcane VaultX
Arcane Vault Feng Shui SiteYour hand size is increased by 1.
Flavor:What you seek is here, but there is no index or map… and you dare not bother the librarian.
Body Body:8Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators - 1x Devil's MountainX
Devil's Mountain Feng Shui SiteUnique. Turn to redirect all damage inflicted on a Site by a single source to a Character you control.
Flavor:Animals stay away. Men aren't always so smart.
Body Body:6Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique - 1x Fox PassX
Fox Pass Feng Shui SiteUnique. Turn to change one attacker's target to any Character or front-row Site you control.
Flavor:Be as the fox, who leads the hounds astray.
Body Body:5Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique - 5x Humble DojoX
Humble Dojo Feng Shui SiteCannot be burned. Cards controlled by this card's owner gain +3 combat damage while in combat with it. Turn and target a Character at this location :: Target gains +1 combat damage until the end of the turn.
Body Body:8Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators - 1x Temple of Celestial MercyX
Temple of Celestial Mercy Feng Shui SiteUnique. Your hand size is increased by 2.
Flavor:Once a sanctuary; now a prize in the secret war.
Body Body:7Power Power:1Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique
Site (3 cards)
- 3x The Dragon ThroneX
The Dragon Throne SiteUnique. Choose a designator when this Site enters play or when you seize this Site. +2 Body while you control any Emperor or Empress Character. If this Site is in your front row, you may play Characters, States, and Edges with the last chosen designator at -1 cost.
Body Body:5Power Power:0Cost Requires:Cost:1Provides Provides:Artist Set Rarity Designators Keywords Keywords:Unique
This deck pivots well between offensive and defensive strategies. Play accordingly and either build more Lotus weenies to keep using Die!!! to clear the board in your favor or play more aggressively early with Architect cards if you draw them instead. Once you have Stand Together and tons of Demons out simply continue to play out your larger Characters to overwhelm for the win. These Characters all compliment the deck well and have good matching abilities to help you to keep pushing. A menace of a deck that takes some time and momentum while depending on larger hand size and huge swings of Character plays. It runs cheap and most Characters play out for free so you don't need to overly worry about Power. If you're comfortable with being the passive player you can surprise your opponents by suddenly being on top.